When I'm not at work, I'm enjoying my hobbies...

When I'm not at work, I'm enjoying my hobbies...

Build a Hinged Wall to Hide Basement Utilities
While refinishing my basement, I was faced with a challenge that many other basement remodels encounter; How do I hide the utility meters while still providing access? After a lot of head scratching, I finally came up with a…

The basics of how to use a 3D Printer… from Software to Hardware
There seems to be a lot of confusion with new 3D printer users about the basics of the software and hardware that is required to produce a 3D printed object. Let me explain… As I mentioned in my first post,…

DIY Movie Projector Screen – High Quality , Low Cost!

How to Replace Windows Notepad With Another Text Editor (Notepad++)
This guide will explain a simple method of replacing Windows Notepad with another text editor of your choice. I do a lot of software hacking and a quick text editor with some nice automatic formatting tools for different programming languages…

Designing 3D Printed Child Safety Latches
Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been working on designing a few different types of child-proof safety latches for different types of doors and drawers. My wife is losing the battle with the two toddlers that…

Welcome To My Website – Ryan Hobbies
I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a while now. I often have little projects that I’m working on related to my hobbies and I always spend time searching the Internet for solutions and testing out different solutions. I…